Friday 20 May 2011

New Castles Disease in Pigeons

New Castles Disease /Ranikhets Disease  are  two different names for  Paramixovirus PMV . Recently, there  has  been  sporadic  outbreaks of  New Castles  disease  in some  states  and  many  Pigeon fanciers, have  suffered  losses.  Many  people  are said to use  Lasota  Poultry  Vaccines,  with  little  or no  success.

As  stated  in my previous paragraph regarding  Pigeon pox, there  is a huge need  for a  pigeon  strain  New Castle  disease  vaccine  to be developed  in India.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Problems facing pigeon breeders in India

Commercial and hobby breeders of Fancy pigeons in India  are  frequently faced  with the Pigeon Pox  problem.  Most of the breeders loose  a  lot of young squabs  to pigeon pox.  The  Pigeon keepers and  breeders  would  like to request the  veterinary  research departments in India to  develop a specific  pigeon pox vaccine  that would  certainly  help the breeders  to overcome the  persistant  problem of  avian Pox.

However , Pigeon pox  affliction to young pigeons  can be controlled  to some extent  by using  mosquito repellents  in the lofts  and by using mosquito net,  as mosquitos  are the main vectors of the disease.